We offer a variety of exciting summer camp programs for all ages, in addition to summer ballet intensives, and regular classes.  
Call today for more information!

Summer Programs
477 Main Street
Monroe, CT 06468
203 261-1347

Our summer intensives are designed for serious and motivated dancers interested in furthering both technical and performance skills. Classes include  classical and contemporary repertoire, leaps and turns and a contemporary combination. Stay tuned for details on Jr. & Sr. Company auditions!  

Ballet Intensive Classes

477 Main Street
Monroe, CT 06468
203 261-1347
Online registration is available at the top of this page.  Once you are logged into the system, "search"  Camp Title.

  (If you are already a student of CT Dance, click on the Customer Portal tab -- if not, click on the Register Here tab.)
It was a great summer at CT Dance! 
Stay tuned for next year's schedule.  
Hip Hop/Jazz Camp

July 14 - 18
Ages: 8 - 13


Jazz, Hip Hop & Costuming

Swiftie Camp

July 21-25
Ages: 5-8    9:00 - 12:00
 9 & Up     12:30-3:30

Get ready for a fun-filled week of dress up, ballet, tea parties, craft, and story time as we explore imaginative dance and play and make new friends!  

Click for
Hip Hop
Click for

 Brochure Coming 
Click for
Sewing Camp

July 21 - 25
​Ages: 9 - 19 Year Olds
9:00 - 12:00

Express yourself through creating your own projects. Select your own fabrics and add the finishing touches. Let your imagination soar! 

American Girl Doll Camp

July 14 - 18
Ages: 4- 10

Campers will enjoy a variety of activities including dance, tumbling, crafts, obstacle course, games and more! 

Click for 
American Girl
Princess Party Camp

June 23 - 27
Ages: 2 - 8

Get ready for a fun-filled week of dress up, ballet, tea parties, craft, and story time as we explore imaginative dance and play and make new friends!  
Click for
Barbie Camp

July 7 - 11
Ages: 4 - 10

Barbie reminds us that we can do and be anything! Come and explore with us all of the fun-filled possibilities while dancing and making new friends!  

Click for